3 min

August 7, 2023

Why does your business need voice search?

Voice Search is a technology that allows users to search for information on the Internet using voice commands instead of typing text. Instead of entering a query using the keyboard or on the device's screen, users can ask questions or formulate requests with their voice using the microphone on the device.

Voice search has become popular thanks to the development of voice assistants such as Siri from Apple, Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Cortana. Voice assistants run on devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart speakers and smart watches, and can answer questions, perform commands and provide information based on users' voice queries.

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Voice search in e-commerce

In the context of e-commerce, voice search allows users to search for and buy products online by asking voice queries related to products or services. This facilitates the search and purchase process, especially on mobile devices, and can be useful for stores that optimize their websites and apps for voice search to attract more customers and improve the user experience.

In the case of a product search, for example, a user might say "Find athletic shoes," and the platform will process that command to display voice search results corresponding to that specific question.

Voice search in e-commerce has many advantages.

  • First, it's a more natural way to interact, since we use the speech we use every day instead of typing text queries.

  • Second, voice search can be more convenient, especially on mobile devices, where typing long text queries can be cumbersome.

  • In addition, with advances in speech recognition technology, the use of voice search is becoming more precise and effective.

How to optimize an online store for voice search?

Selecting the right keywords

Voice search is often based on longer and more natural queries. Therefore, it makes sense to focus on optimizing long keyword phrases that reflect users' typical questions about your products.

FAQ structure

Identify the most common questions asked by customers and answer them in the form of an FAQ section structure on the product page. This will help voice search engines find answers to users' questions.

Page loading speed

Voice search engines prefer websites that load quickly because they want to provide immediate answers to users' questions. Make sure your site is optimized for fast loading.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Content optimization

Create valuable and unique content that matches users' interests. Include keywords in headings, titles, content and meta descriptions, but do it naturally and don't overuse keywords.

Site structure and indexing

Make sure your site's structure is logical and intuitive, with easy navigation for users and search engines. Ensure that your pages are indexed by search engines, using robots.txt files and a site map (sitemap).

Link building

Backlinks (backlinks) from other credible and appropriately themed sites can increase your site's visibility in search results. Try to earn quality backlinks by creating valuable content, participating in industry events, guest blog posts, etc.

Local SEO

If you run an e-commerce store that serves a local community, it's important to focus on local SEO. Voice search users often ask location-related questions, so make sure your site includes location information, opening hours and other relevant local data.

Structured data

Adding structured data to your site can help voice searchers understand your site's content. Make sure you label information about products, prices, ratings, etc. appropriately so voice assistants can easily identify them.


Voice inquiries are gaining popularity among online customers, and many e-commerce brands are seriously considering the technology as an opportunity to expand their online presence. Want to be "heard" by millions of new customers? Keep up with global digital trends and listen to our advice.