4 min

September 26, 2024

How to migrate from Wordpress to Storyblok

Moving from one content management platform (CMS) to another can seem like a complicated task, especially when moving from the popular Wordpress to a modern and flexible solution like Storyblok. In this article, we'll discuss the key steps of the process, including a detailed implementation of a solution to the blog storage problem and the time required for preparation and implementation.

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Preparing for migration

Migrating content from Wordpress to Storyblock requires careful planning. First of all, it is a good idea to make a list of all the elements that will be migrated: posts, pages, categories, tags, file media links and other data.

Exporting data from Wordpress

The next step is to export data from Wordpress. Wordpress offers tools to export content in XML format, which includes all posts, pages, categories, and other relevant elements.

Worth noting: Exporting custom fields and metadata - if you use custom fields, you need to ensure that they are properly migrated.

Importing data into Storyblok

Once the data export from Wordpress is complete, the next step is to import it into Storyblok. This process can be more complex because Storyblok has a different data structure than Wordpress.

Our implementation of this solution includes:

  • Data transformation - XML from Wordpress needs to be converted to a format compatible with Storyblok, such as JSON or transformed XML .

  • Content import - using the Storyblok API, you can import the transformed data. It is important to accurately map the content structure to be compatible with the new system.


You need a story identifier (storyId ) and a project identifier (spaceId ) to which you want to import the story. You need to make a PUT request and add authorization to the header with your personal access token 0auth ( Link ) as the value. The request body should contain the story you want to import in this format

It is important to note that imported stories can only be in JSON or XML format and properly formatted to Storyblok standards.

Import Stories as XML






Import Stories as JSON







The entire migration process, including exporting, converting data and importing it into Storyblok, can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the size and complexity of the blog. The key here is preparation and testing, which can significantly speed up the implementation of the new platform.

Useful links:

  • Can I use Storyblok for Static Sites? ( Link )

  • How to generate routes for Nuxt with Storyblok? ( Link )

  • Storyblok Headless CMS and SEO ( Link )