Unique jewelry for every occasion

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vue magento php redis nuxt figma elastic


webanalytics audytux webdevelopment devops api integration prototyping


Retail sales in the fashion industry


The client was looking for a stable and scalable e-commerce solution that could handle multiple shopping scenarios and an ever-growing base of tens of thousands of SKUs. Continuous support in scaling e-commerce projects and integrations with tools dedicated to B2C sales was essential.

Project requirements

  • fashion-first design

  • eliminacja istniejących błędów w Magento

  • szybki, dedykowany frontend

  • wykorzystanie nowoczesnych technologii

Our role in the project pre-implementation audit

  • website Adobe XD prototype

  • frontend development using technology

  • Magento 2 Community Edition configuration and integration with ERP and WMS

  • building and maintaining server architecture

  • ongoing support in contacts with other suppliers

  • implementing SEO recommendations

  • implementing web analytics + GA4

Key requirements

Improving SEO

The previous engine didn't give the team full freedom to work on SEO optimization.

UX Friendliness

The site was supposed to be redesigned from scratch using best market practices

Content migration

Planning, and conduction full migration from the previous SaaS e-commerce provider. Migration blog content over GraphQL API

Long-term maintenance

In addition to the initial implementation, it was important for the project to provide ongoing rapid development support

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Challenges and solutions

Analysis of customer needs and implementation of Marketing Automation and User Reviews tools


  • provide credible product and company reviews

  • attractively graphical presentation of reviews

  • taking care of page speed

  • automating communication with the customer

  • increasing sales through user-generated content


  • extensive integration with eDrone tool

  • integration with TrustMate and creation of custom CSS styles for widgets

  • modification of boxed integrations so that they work properly in the Headless model (e.g., by changing links appropriately and modifying standard server communication with external tools)


This is another project where Headless solutions worked perfectly. A fast, user-friendly front end. Intuitive shopping process. Optimal structure for managing products and content on the site. All this, thanks to a thorough analysis of the client's needs and matching them with the right tools.

Most interesting features

Integration with Vimeovideo

Thanks to the non-overloading and optimized integration with Vimeovideo, the client gained the possibility of a very artistic and attractive presentation of products.

Comming Soon

The client's need was to show products that are yet to go on sale on the front.

In addition, there is an option to sign up for notification of product availability.

Technologies we use

In this project we used the whole palette of technologies. If you like the effect, we can use them in your project too.

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